Quality Policy

Our Vision is to be the preferred surveying and survey consultancy service provider in the Maldives. Our team thrives for delivering excellent service to our clients on time and on budget.  Our Mission is to provide our clients with the very best and complete every project to its finest standards within the agreed timeframe by…

Health and Safety Policy

Our Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management System has been designed and implemented to global standards and forms the foundation of a strong safety focused culture that encompasses all business divisions to minimize health and safety risks and incidents, ensuring a safe environment for employees and visitors alike while delivering our services exceptionally meeting legal…

Geophysical Survey undertaken for the construction of Thila-Male’ Bridge

In the 10-year history of Foresight Surveyors (FS), we have achieved numerous milestones, overcome various obstacles and crossed miles to come to where we are today. We have recently completed the geophysical survey undertaken for the construction of Thila-Male’ bridge as a subcontractor of Afcon Infrastructure Limited. The geophysical survey comprises of the core survey…

Foresight Surveyors 8th Year Anniversary Celebration

Foresight Surveyors Pvt Ltd. marked its 8th years of service on the 26th of January this year at CrossRoad Maldives. Anniversaries are important milestones especially for employees. They’re the ones who have turned Foresight Surveyors to the thriving businesses that we are today. They’re the ones who give themselves, day in and day out, to…


CONGRATULATIONS!!We take this opportunity to congratulate our Environmentalist – Abdulla Fisam on the publication of his first co-authored article about fish preferences and its relation to coral reef health. The article has been published on the 134th volume of Marine Policy journal of ocean policy studies. The article was based on a case study conducted…

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ރަށުކައުންސިލަށް ހޯދަން އެންމެ ރަނގަޅު ސާރވޭ އިކުއިޕްމަންޓަކީ ކޮބާ؟ ލާމަރުކަޒީ ގާނޫނެއްގެ ދަށުން ރާއްޖޭގެ ރަށްތައް ހިންގަންފެށި އަދި މިގާނޫނަށް ގެނެވިފައިވާ އިސްލާހުތަކާއެކު ރަށްތައް ހިންގުމަށްޓަކައި ގާނޫނު ބަޔާންކުރާގޮތުގެމަތިން ރަށުގެ ތަރައްގީގެ ޕްލޭނާއި އަދި ލޭންޑް ޔޫސް ޕްލޭން ހަދަންޖެހެއެވެ. އަދި މިގާނޫނުގެ ދަށުން ކަނޑައެޅޭ ރަށުގެ ގާނޫނީ އިމުގެ ތެރޭގައި ރަށުގެ ފަޅުންބައެއްވެސް ހިމެނެއެވެ. އެހެން ކަމުން ހެދޭ ތަރައްގީގެ ޕްލޭނާއި އެއްގޮތަށް ރަށް ކުރިއަރުވައި ރަށުގެ ބިން މެނޭޖް ކުރެވޭނެ ޒަމާނީ ވަސީލަތްތައް ކޮންމެ…

Maldives Continuous Operating Reference Stations – MVCORS

Being one of the oldest professions in the world, surveying has been advanced from the time of Gunter’s chain and compass to the state-of-the-art GNSS techniques. Even though Maldives is small and the survey community is minor, DGPS surveying is very common in the country. Almost all the private survey firms, including freelance surveyors own…

Largest Topographic Survey Conducted in Maldives

7 November 2020 Largest topographic survey conducted in Maldives has been completed by Foresight Surveyors in L.Gan, in coordination with WSmaldives for aerial mapping by using #wingtra and #DJI P4 RTK